Outreach News - April-May 2011

This month we’re continuing our work with seven rural primary schools on The Green of The Spring by Ade Morris – our production involving some 120 children. Rehearsals start in earnest for the production in May, which is on in the theatre in June. The children are busy learning their lines and will be working with the artist Julieann Worrall Hood to make masks for the performance.

We’re also giving workshops at Portsmouth Grammar School, Voice Training to Vodafone staff, and welcoming 200 hundred families to The Watermill for Family Fun Day during the holidays. Booking opens for our Summer Holiday Courses soon, and it’s our Raising Voices deadline in April (an opportunity for new plays to be read and given feedback).

Don’t forget if you’re a local actor you can join our Actors Forum – do give us a call or send an email if you’re interested. (Beth on 01635 570927).