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OUR UNTOLD STORIES – Spinning a Yarn

One of the challenges the young people undertook was to tell a story whilst unravelling wool. As soon as they finished ‘spinning their yarn’, the strand was cut to see whose wool, and story, was longest.

Real and unreal Our Untold Stories from the young people of The Community Youth Project…

One night, I was in bed, dreaming that I was getting someone some food, so I sat up and when I did I head-butted the side of the bed and woke myself up.

I was having a daydream. I was ill at the time and I just felt like I was falling off my bed and I was imagining I was catching fire. When I woke up I was lying on the floor.

My nan lives next door to me. She has a haunted doll that sits in front of the TV and wherever you go the eyes follow you. It looks really pretty but as soon as you move…

One of my dolls is a rag doll called Rosie. There was a girl called Rosie and her parents kept her in a cupboard and kept cutting off her skin. Rosie died and got sucked into the doll because she had this doll that looked like her. Wherever they cut off her skin, the skin on the doll turned white.

My step mother told me that ghosts are real and ever since then my door’s always been open. Seriously, she freaked me out to death,

There’s this girl that lives next door that I really, really hate. She’s got blonde hair and she’s annoying. She’s my ex.

One day there was a young boy and he got ditched by his friends when he was playing with them in the park. It all happened when they were hanging on the swings and he pushed one of them over, so they all ganged up on him, pushed him to the ground and ran away. And he has no friends any more.

At school there’s a girl who asked out every person she could because she wants a boyfriend. She asked me and I said no.

Dwayne was on the field at school and he asked me out and I said yes and we’ve been going out for seven months.

I was in Foundation and I saw this boy, his name’s called Luke, he’s my cousin now, and he got his knee and head stuck in the climbing frame, and remember?, the teacher had to get soap, and apparently someone else got a splinter.

My teacher was in the classroom and a child was under his desk and farted in his lesson.

I get cross when my sister is annoying. She only winds me up because she knows she’ll win. She wafts her foot in my face. Only when she’s bored.

Once there was a girl and when the mum found out that the girl had anger problems, the mum said the girl could have anything she wanted. She has a big shoe collection now.

My mum went to her bank and she realised she had a thousand pounds in her bank and she spent it all on clothes and me.

So, it was Christmas Eve and we were all excited for all our presents in the morning. My mum was out, buying her last presents for the family. On Christmas morning, me, my brother and my sister ran downstairs to find a massive pile of Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. I got an Xbox game, my sister gets some earrings, my brother gets an army set. We were all very excited.

I really want to paint a tree, splat it with colour.


With thanks to Ellie (11), Sophie (9), Ruby (9), Ellie (10), Kira (9), Alisha (9), Ethan (11), Skie (10), Rhys (8), Charlie (10), Tanisha (10), Grace (9), Molly (11), Caleb (10) and Reona (9) for sharing and creating their stories.

For more information about all the activities available to young people and volunteers at Community Youth Project, visit communityyouth.org or call 01635 522566