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Finance Assistant Chris escapes from The Watermill to enjoy the Edinburgh Festival

Having endured psychological torture with National Express I arrived too late for cocoa on my first night. Thursday after a (very) late fry-up, I set off for the Royal Mile which is buzzing during festival time. There are over 400 Fringe venues dotted around the city, I ended up at the Pleasance Dome, which holds several venues (and bar). From the many leaflets thrust into my hand I chose to see father-son comedy play Wingman. It was cleverly written, afterwards I chatted to the young producer, who expressed a long-held wish to work at The Watermill one day. I caught another show before meeting up with my brother to watch Al Murray, who had a great routine about the international financial markets (well I am a finance clerk.)
Friday lunchtime I was in a favourite pub, The Jeckyll and Hyde for melancholy comedienne Rachel Fairburn who deserves a wider audience than the 7 I was part of. Later I attended a one man show entitled Goose, Adam Drake may be mad as a hatter but possibly a future star. My brother’s choice on Saturday was Eric & Little Ern, brilliantly performed and nostalgic. In the evening we saw pun-master Tim Vine, hilarious if you like an endless stream of one-liners (I do). On Sunday (Pubday), we dropped in on a talk by Ian Lavender, Don’t Tell Him Pike which was wonderful having grown up loving Dad’s Army. Wish I could have stayed longer and seen more, but another delayed National Express journey, and straight off the coach 15 minutes late for my Care client.

Chris Allen
Finance Assistant