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“On Julie’s Bike son”

We caught Steve the Sound Designer for our new production The Tempest, taking a photograph up in the theatre dressing rooms the other day. Yes I’m afraid it may be on one of those boy’s websites by now “tech-spec-porn” – he was in our sound room taking a photo of the bank of battery charging units we have – strange as Steve is normally based at the Barbican in London, home of all technical wonders.

So it felt good to be able tell him that it has now been a year since we started to lead the way in theatre and converted to the “Better Batteries” scheme in association with http://www.juliesbicycle.com. For us the results have been brilliant. On Thoroughly Modern Millie alone we saved over £1,000 on running costs – and that’s not counting the number of batteries we’ve not had to send off to recycle. So hopefully we may have made another convert.

We’ve already had one with the beautiful Thoroughly Modern Millie set- it has gone to a good home – well homes – Testbourne school have taken the whole set and, with the kind permission of Tom (the designer), are going to convert it into their production of Our House in the new year. They are aiming to make a video of the whole morphing change which I’ll put a link to when they make it.

If you ever see anything on our stage you think you can give a future life to, please let me know at production@watermill.org.uk and if we are not going to recycle it ourselves, we are happy for others to take it.

Ok for those that way inclined here are all those PP3’s …..