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“Well it made me laugh” – The Production blog

I know this is a meant to be a technical blog but ….

“Have you seen this play before?” I was asked at the end of a performance of our great new rural tour Love on the Tracks.

I explained I was the lighting designer, so yes a few times – “well how many?” So I totted it up.

Well obviously I had read the script a couple of times – went to the first read through (where the cast all meet and read the play) – popped into rehearsals on several occasions (a special thank you to the Puxleys for allowing us to rehearse in their home!) – went to a couple of runs (this is where the play is performed in rehearsals with as many props, bits of set, costumes and sound effects as possible) lit the show during the Technical rehearsals – watched both the dress rehearsals (where the show is performed onstage with all but the audience) – Saw the first few performances at The Watermill – then repeated the process putting the show on tour.

I then had to ask why do you ask and the response was –  “Well we loved the show, but you’ve seen the show so many times yet were still laughing”

It then occurred to me very few people have that opportunity – live theatre is not like a film that you can watch over and over and is always the same. Every show is different – not only with what the cast are doing onstage but the audience. Those that have read this blog before, know we operate our shows from the kitchen in East Garston – our first touring date.

This is such a treat as we see as much of the audience as we do the cast – it is like watching a shoal of fish moving – as the humour leaves the stage it causes a wave of reaction in the audience which then returns and makes the performances sparkle even more.

Sorry, got a bit lyrical then – but if you see a show you enjoy – why don’t you try going again and take someone else.  I bet you will find it a completely different production and that you enjoy the experience even more as you sense their reactions as well.

You see you are the ones who add even more fun. What? You’ve not seen it yet?  Please check our tour dates – I am sure we are coming very close to you. Then we can all have a good laugh together.